Ultimate Blog Challenge

Ultimate Blog Challenge
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Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Survivor’s Story, there is Hope – Domestic Violence Awareness Month October 2013

I am a survivor of Domestic Violence. It took me a long time to finally be able to say that or even type it for that matter. Why even say or type it you ask? Because it is important for those who may be in that situation now or may become victims know that people do survive. It is important that we share our stories so that others may open their own eyes and see if there is abuse in their relationships. Or even see that it is happening to a loved one. I hid it from my loved ones for years. It took me years to come to terms with what happened. Some of it was shame, some anger and some was just plainly not admitting it to myself. Sweeping it under the rug like it did not happen does not solve anything.

This may be a hard story for people to read. I posted all of this last year on my blog. It is a 6 part series. In honor of October being Domestic Violence month, I feel it is important to keep sharing it. Maybe someone that needs to hear or read this will see it. Maybe someone will read this and be able to find the courage to get out and be safe. Maybe someone will be able to heal.

It is a long road but worth it. I welcome comments and questions both. It is not painful to discuss anymore so I am an open book for discussion. You can also contact me privately if it is too raw to speak about here. I understand that feeling as well. You are strong, you are a good person and you are worth being loved, treasured and doted on. It is Not Your Fault! Never let anyone take that from you.

The 6 posts in the Series are Linked below. Simply click on each part and it will take you directly to that post.

This blog series is from my personal experience recounting my side of an abusive situation. It is my hope that it will raise awareness and educate others about what this side of the relationship looks and feels like. It is a situation that I never thought I’d be in as a smart girl turning into a woman. I was salutatorian of my high school class. This type of thing can happen to anyone. It can blindside you and make you feel like you are literally nothing. Some people never recover fully from the events. I was lucky and can share my story in the hope that it will help others.


  1. Thanks for highlighting an important issue through your stories. Domestic abuse is an issue that is underwhelmingly forgotten.

    1. Michelle, I could not agree more. It has taken me years to get to this point because I simply "forgot that it happened to me" per se. A lot of women experience it in some way or another and it needs to be in the spotlight far more often than it is to help those who are in these situations and may not even be aware of it.

  2. At a loss of words. I truly admire you for sharing your story. May you find the strength and courage for a beautiful life ahead. Take Care

    1. Thank you. Comments like this add to my strength. Thank you and have a blessed day!

  3. It takes a lot of courage to share a story such as yours. I am sure it is healing as well. I hope that you sharing your story will help others.

    1. Until I started writing it, I had not realized how healing it really would be. Once I started writing, I couldn't stop until it was done. Then I realized it was helping others to have it publicly posted. I have several friends that have said to me privately, Wow I have had to deal with something similar. I never knew they were going through it. Thank you!

  4. Like Nischala even I am slightly speechless. But then I know that with much courage and determination you have achieved what you have and you should be proud of yourself like we are of you now :) God bless you always...


    1. Thank you. I feel very blessed even with this dark spot in my life because I actually learned from it. I could have let it get me down and keep me from achieving many things, but I didn't let that happen. I hope I can help someone else through it as well. Have a blessed day!
